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Monks Cross Self Storage

Status: Full Planning Consent

Category: Commercial and Industrial

Location: York

Topics: Change of Use

Commercial and Industrial Project

Self-storage Facility at Employment Site

Responding to the rapid growth in the self-storage market, O’Neill Associates were approached by Go Store to help them gain approval for a self-storage facility in York. 

The site at Monks Cross was an allocated employment site for office use.  O’Neill Associates were able to demonstrate that there was no demand for office use and that a storage facility was an appropriate use for the site.

The site was larger than required for the self-storage units so the planning application was a hybrid proposal and secured full approval for the self-storage facility and outline consent for 2,000 sq m of light industrial use on the remainder of the site.

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Monks Cross Self Storage

Status: Full Planning Consent

Category: Commercial and Industrial

Location: York

Topics: Change of Use

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